Biocast: liquid vermicast biostimulant
By Island Biologicals
Life Creates Life
Welcome to the home of Biocast! If you’re looking to grow plants that are full of LIFE, from soil to seed, then you’re in the right place.
At Island Biologicals we believe that life creates life. Biocast supports the whole plant, including its microbiome, thanks to the life-stimulating compounds of earthworms and beneficial microbes. As a grower it can support you to add health and vigour to your high production systems, to get plants through stressful times (such at transplant, or climate extremes), or give you a stepping stone to get off the inputs treadmill. It is a high quality, natural biostimulant that you can feel good about applying, and that will be good for you, your family, your customers and your land.
“The health of the soil, plant, animal and man is one and indivisible”
Sir Albert Howard
What is Biocast?
Biocast is a liquid vermicast biostimulant. What that means is that we’ve extracted our high-quality worm poo (cast) into water, and with it all the life-stimulating compounds produced by the worm and associated microbes. These include living microbes (bacteria, fungal spores, and protozoa), growth-stimulating hormones, enzymes, autoinducers (signalling molecules), fulvic acid and trace minerals. These all work together to benefit plants and soil life. Biocast can be applied as a foliar, seed dressing, transplant drench or through fertigation systems.
Click here for more general information on Biocast.
Product information
Go here for information on:
- What is Biocast
- The active compounds in Biocast
- How Biocast is made
- Quality assurance
Go here for information on:
- Foliar (leaf) application
- Soil application
- Transplant drenches
- Seed inoculation
Recommended uses
Made in the Manning by Island Biologicals
Biocast is made by Island Biologicals. We are an Australian, family-owned and operated company based on Oxley Island, part of the beautiful Manning Valley of NSW. Our founder and Chief Worm Wrangler is Lee Fieldhouse, who has a passion for working with natural processes to bolster food production.
Our mission is to help Australian farmers add more life to our land by reconnecting with and working with natural processes when growing plants.
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> If you have a Biocast story to share we would love to hear it! Call or email Lee on 0429 197 596 or [email protected]
One of our favourite parts of business is chatting with people interested in exploring biological solutions. We are happy to discuss how Biocast or our other products and services apply in your particular situation, so please contact us today!